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A Survey on importance of English skills for Academics and future growth of scholars
Researcher significant challenges and difficulties while writing a research paper using English language
A logical study of issues in academic writing
Challenges faced by research scholar in writing research paper in English
A case study on the need of English language proficiency in academic research
An immense analysis on problems faced by EFL people while writing technical papers
An analysis on the complications faced by scholars for writing a research paper in English language
Analysis to understand the difficulties in writing English for academic publishing
General problems faced by research scholars and academicians in paper writing
Importance of academic writing skills for students & research scholars with respect to English language while writing research paper
Significance of English Writing Skills in the Development of Researchers
A review on consequences of English language while writing a research paper
A contemplate on issues faced by scholars with English language while composing a research paper
An empirical study on problems faced by researchers while writing and publishing research papers in English
A survey on problems faced by researchers with English language while writing a research paper
Complications confronted by researchers during writing and publishing research papers
The evolution and impact of English language for the research students
A comparitive analysis of the issues faced by research scholar in writing English and in publishing their research paper
A study on problems faced by researchers while using English language for writing an effective research paper
A survey on problems faced and English knowledge for writing research papers
A review on the use of English language as an important factor in academic writing

June 14, 2021
Copyright (c) 2021 Royal Book Publishing
Details about this monograph
Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)
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How to Cite
J, D. K., & CHONG, S. T. (2021). WRITING SKILLS FOR ACADEMIC RESEARCH. Royal Book Publishing.
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